Page 28 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 28

2020 Grants Awarded   Community Development

           Organization    Project Title      City         Amount    Together, we’re tracking:

           Auburn Cord     Education Program  Auburn, IN   $5,000    Students' increasing knowledge of science and local history so that
           Duesenberg                                                they create deeper connections with their community.
           Automobile Museum

           Auburn Cord     Strategic Plan 2020  Auburn, IN  $8,000   The museum's increasing strategies to grow financial support,
           Duesenberg                                                enhance programming and experiential learning, and complete
           Automobile Museum                                         a capital campaign to restore the building to its original
                                                                     1930s appearance.

           Bobcat Youth League  Bobcat Youth Sports   Butler, IN   $50,000  The league's increasing ability to engage more young people in
                           Complex                                   impactful relationships and activities through its enhanced facilities.

           City of Gary    Repurposing Gary School  Gary, MN  $3,500  The city's increasing strategies for repurposing a vacant school
                                                                     building by partnering residents of the community with experts from
                                                                     the fields of architecture, grant writing, and engineering.

           City of Mount Ayr  Recreation Facilities   Mount Ayr, IA  $5,000  The city's increasing ability to move forward on one
                           Feasibility Study                         cohesive project.

           Decatur County   Lamoni Fairgrounds   Leon, IA  $25,000   The fairgrounds' increasing use for youth and family activities
           Development     Makeover                                  through the addition of a multipurpose building and renovation
           Corporation                                               of existing facilities.

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