Mr. Dekko-isms

Mr. Chester E. Dekko

Mr. Chester E. Dekko

Sometimes we come across something that just has to be shared!  The title of this document was “Mr. Dekko-isms.”   We’re sharing it without any edits at all!

Mr. Dekko on priorities:  “Concentration of effort is the key to human accomplishment.”

Mr. Dekko on the essential ingredients of success:  “Talent–hopefully supplemented by hard work, and a little bit of luck.  I don’t’ think you can get along without a bit of all three.”

Mr. Dekko’s favorite saying:  “There is no finish line.”  –Nike ad

On Mr. Dekko’s gravestone:  “Only the educated are free.” –Epictitus

32 replies
  1. Mike Nelson
    Mike Nelson says:

    He was a wise and kind man……. I would add to the final “ism” – only the free have the capacity to become truly educated.

  2. Deanna
    Deanna says:

    My favorite statement here is about the connection between education and freedom.

    I believe that “language liberates us all” which is similar to his belief.

    Ignorance sentences us to a life of poverty and suffering that can only be eradicated through education.

    Go Mr. Dekko!

  3. September McConnell
    September McConnell says:

    I never knew that was on Mr. Dekko’s gravestone; very cool. Was that is directive or the family’s idea? Just curious. We should all think about what we’d want on our own stone and try to embody the philosophy in the work we do and the way we live.

  4. Mary Niklaus
    Mary Niklaus says:

    Mr. Dekko was a smart man!!!! He truly gets the value of human potential! Keep blogging…. its a great way to communicate!

  5. George Cecil
    George Cecil says:

    I like Mr. Dekko’s quote about “no finish line” because I know a lot of people who have ‘checked out’ early in life. People who have lots of talents and abilities to offer in helping others.

  6. Pam Myers
    Pam Myers says:

    Mr. Dekko was a true leader…the same qualities we’re working so hard to instill in our young students at Country Meadow Elementary, A Leader In Me school! Thanks to Mr. Dekko for helping to pave the way!

  7. Emily Uhlenkamp
    Emily Uhlenkamp says:

    True words of Wisdom! My favorite is: “Talent–hopefully supplemented by hard work, and a little bit of luck. I don’t’ think you can get along without a bit of all three.” I also feel like Timing should be included, you always need good timing!

  8. Brenda
    Brenda says:

    The more I know and read about this man and his legacy, the more I am convinced what an awesome human example we have to follow and what knowledge he added to the lives of children!!

  9. Terry
    Terry says:

    There is no finish line! Amen! Students are told continually to be lifelong learners…I believe that the constant pursuit of excellence helps to breed lifelong happiness as well.

  10. Deborah McDonald
    Deborah McDonald says:

    Mr. Dekko must have met my parents, these are the words they lived by and gave us to live by. “Only the educated are free”

  11. Pam Baker
    Pam Baker says:

    Mr. Dekko was a great man and his kids have followed his words. I hope that I can make a difference with my students like the Dekko family has in our surrounding communities. So many people have benefited from their kindness and williness to help those that have less. It’s Thanksgiving what a better time to say THANK YOU!!

  12. Suzanne Handshoe
    Suzanne Handshoe says:

    Mr. Dekko would be proud to see his desires being carried out not only by his children, but the Foundation. We are blessed as a community to have the vision of such a leader who believed not only in education but our children!

  13. glenda
    glenda says:

    Mr. Dekko was not only wise but a very friendly man. He could make you strive to be better and to make it a better place for our children and grandchildren


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